In the next installment of Rivkin Radler’s Healthcare Compliance Lunch & Learn series, Rivkin Radler’s Ben Malerba and Ben Wisher will discuss Avoiding the Pitfalls in Recent Government Enforcement. The program will cover recent audits, investigations and actions of government agencies including DOJ, MFCU, OMIG, the NY AG, and others. Ben and Ben will also discuss the potential pitfalls suggested by these agencies’ actions:
- Overbilling
- Anti-kickback violations
- Billing for unnecessary services
- Fraud, waste and abuse
- And others.
The program will take place on Thursday, December 8, from 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM Eastern time via Zoom. Participants will be eligible for 1.2 CCB credits and 1 CLE credit in Professional Practice. The program will be moderated by Robert Hussar, a partner in Rivkin Radler’s Compliance, Investigations & White Collar and Health Services practice groups.
The program registration page is here. The Zoom link will be provided upon registration.
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