On Thursday, April 14, in the next installment of Rivkin Radler’s Healthcare Compliance Lunch & Learn series, Rivkin Radler’s Lou Vlahos and Bernadette Kasnicki will provide a refresher on preparing Form 990, the tax return for tax-exempt organizations. The program will take place from 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM Eastern time via Zoom.
The topics to be covered will include:
- how to determine which 990 form your organization should file
- which schedules may be required
- corporate governance requirements
- best practices to implement for streamlined preparation and filing
The program will be moderated by Robert Hussar, a partner in Rivkin Radler’s Compliance, Investigations & White Collar and Health Services practice groups. Participants will be eligible for 1.2 CCB credits and 1 CLE credit in Professional Practice.
The program registration page is here. The Zoom link will be provided upon registration.
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